Our Profile
Profile of the St. Bridget School High School Graduate
The Bridgetine High School graduate is a product of an education founded on the school’s Vision-Mission as a Good Shepherd Institution. At the core of this formation is St. Bridget School’s committed responsibility to nurture human excellence through the holistic development of the student’s full potentials. The school, as a nucleus of future competency, integrates curricular and co-curricular activities with its distinguishing quality of personal concern, and produces a graduate who is CHRIST-CENTERED, COMPETENT, FILIPINA – BUILDER OF A JUST SOCIETY, RESPONSIBLE and COMMITTED PERSON.
⦁ has established a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
⦁ appreciates the sacrament of the Eucharist as the center of communal life.
⦁ possesses a deepening understanding of the relationship between scriptures and life;
⦁ finds meaning in praying alone and with others;
⦁ values the virtues of simplicity, humility and obedience as exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary;
⦁ is guided by a Christian conscience and sustained by prayer and reflection in making choices and decisions;
⦁ starts to value the healing power of forgiveness and reconciliation;
⦁ has developed a deeper understanding of the concepts of gender equality;
⦁ is beginning to recognize and appreciate individual differences;
⦁ is developing an appreciation of the value of Catholic faith;
⦁ appreciates the value of active involvement in parochial community;
⦁ enriches her own Catholic faith as she respects other religions and Christian denominations;
⦁ is beginning to understand and accepts that she shares a common future with the whole of humanity.
⦁ has developed an acceptance of her capabilities and limitations and how these can help her attain human excellence;
⦁ has formed the habit of reflection to gain insight and wisdom in life;
⦁ is able to understand and take another’s posture in life;
⦁ is beginning to acknowledge and respect others’ ideas and opinions;
⦁ has cultivated a refined taste in literature and other art forms;
⦁ has mastered the skill requirements for English and Filipino and can articulate her thoughts and ideas in oral and written communication;
⦁ has developed the habit of reading for information, pleasure and appreciation;
⦁ has developed sufficient skills in logic and critical thinking;has mastered the basic skills in Math and Science.
⦁ has developed an understanding of the importance of scientific inquiry and how the process can be used in varied life situations;
⦁ puts value in artistic endeavors and is able to express ingenuity.
⦁ is academically prepared to meet the demands and challenges of college work;
⦁ has acquired a sustained desire for learning.
FILIPINA- Builder of a Just Society:
⦁ has adequate knowledge, appreciation and respect for her country’s history, heritage, culture and traditions;
⦁ is able to link history to current issues to build a better community;
⦁ appreciates the heroism of her ancestors and valiant personalities of her time;
⦁ appreciates and makes operative the positive aspects of distinct Filipino values such as “bayanihan”, “utang na loob”, trust in Divine Providence, close family ties and “delicadeza” ;
⦁ is beginning to exercise her freedom to express herself by participating in public hearings and fora on significant social issues;
⦁ initiates and supports advocacies;
⦁ has started to hone her gifts and talents to contribute to the upliftment of society.
Responsible and Committed Person:
⦁ a person for others willing to share her time, talents and resources;
⦁ is beginning to develop a genuine concern for the poor and the needy and encourages others to do the same;
⦁ is beginning to understand that leadership is a calling of service.