St. Bridget School’s Basic Education is comprised of the Primary Levels (Kindergarten, and Grades 1 to 3), the Intermediate Levels (Grades 4 to 6), the Junior High School (Grades 7 to 10), and the Senior High School (Grades 11 and 12).
Accredited by PAASCU (Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities), the curricular program of St. Bridget School, Quezon City’s Basic Education adheres to its vision of providing quality Catholic education to its students.
SENIOR HIGH (Grades Eleven and Twelve):
St. Bridget School of Quezon City’s Senior High School has been formed in response to the need of further “nurturing the seeds planted” during the Grade School and Junior High School years by providing its students with a Good Shepherd education to equip each one with the competencies to be a holistically developed Filipina with 21st century skills.
SBS-SHS’s 2-year program is geared towards the Academic Track. The student gets to choose from one of the following strands offered:
> Accountancy, Business, Management Strand (ABM)
> Humanities, Social Sciences Strand (HumSS)
> Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Strand (STEM)

Other Special Programs:
1. Remedial Classes (REAP)
Remedial Class in Math, Science and English are given to students whose academic performances are poor and unsatisfactory. This special class is scheduled after class hours and handled by the subject teacher. The remedial class is conducted quarterly.
2. Varsity Players Training Program
The varsity basketball and volleyball players have their two- to three-hour training three times a week during weekdays. Training is conducted after class hours supervised by their team coaches with the presence of the varsity moderator. Saturday practices are allowed as extra training in preparation for scheduled games. Tune-up games between the school and invited schools occasionally occur during mock training games.
3. MTAP Training
The High School Math Department selects students who have shown consistent competence in Mathematics, and trains them for Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP) Competition every school year.
1. Student Activities are programmed co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that serve the following purposes:
Co-curricular activities are extensions of classroom activities. They are related to subjects taught in the classrooms. They offer the students enjoyable but challenging ways of learning classroom topics that may also be the students’ passion or line of interest. They lead to the training of students for participation in contests on the subject matter in and out of the school.
2. Extra-Curricular activities are geared towards the development of student talents in fields that are recreational, social and religious. They serve to develop the students’ innate talents for sports, arts, music, literature and crafts. They may lead to participation in competitions in and out of the school or be done for the fun and leisure they offer.